
How to Choose the Right Type of Packaging for your product

There are many types of interior packaging that you can use in your warehouse, and it is essential to choose the right one for your products. Dunnage is an interior packaging material used to protect the product from damage during storage or transit. There are three main types of dunnage: cushioning dunnage, void-fill dunnage, and unit load carrier dunnage.

Each type has different benefits, so it’s important to know what they are before choosing which one will work best for you! Many of the fragile products, like some cannabis products, come in glass vessels and need extra protection while shipping overseas.

Although custom CBD packaging are well built and secure a cannabis product, ideally during transportation of more giant boxes, it is essential to safeguard fragile products placed in stacks.

Cushioning dunnage is interior packaging that provides cushioning for products. It can be used to protect products during storage or transport, and it also works as a fire barrier. Cushioning dunnage has many different types of benefits depending on what kind you use. Some benefits are given below:

Protects Shock or Vibration

Crushing damage protection

Vapor Protection

Dust protection

Protect products that come in parts from mixing

Let’s discuss some of the kinds of interior packaging.

Polyurethane foam padding

These paddings displace the product’s weight evenly over its surface area, so there are no pressure points created when stacking heavy goods or large items from one side of the pallet to another (like boxes). Foam interior packaging is good if you have some products that need protection from high-impact forces.

Polyester or Polyethylene Foams

These are the most common types of interior padding because they’re relatively inexpensive and can be recycled to make new packing materials. However, this type will not protect against crushing damage like polyurethane foam. Some benefits of these foams are that they’re lightweight, easy to use, and can be made in many different densities for various purposes.

Wool Padding

Wool absorbs a lot more liquid than other fabrics, so it’s perfect for any product with an oil base such as cooking oils, paint thinner, or CBD oils. This type should never be used when shipping liquids in airtight containers (unless you want your goods covered in wool!). There are many benefits of wool padding like it’s not harmful to humans or the environment, and it has a long life span.

Bubble wraps

This is a popular interior packaging material as it provides cushioning for products with sharp edges but still protects them from crushing damage (as well as providing some protection against humidity). In addition, the bubble wrap can be recycled and used many times again.

Many electronic components and fragile products come in this interior packaging type. Bubble wraps are one of the most popular interior packaging types because they have drawbacks, but they also have many benefits. It is not harmful to humans or the environment, and it has a long-life span which means you can use them over and over again without worrying about wastefulness.

Organic Fillers

These fillers are highly biodegradable and protect a product very well. But they are not very popular because of the high price. Organic fillers can be expensive, and it isn’t an interior packaging type that is commonly used for shipping products.

Still, some companies might choose this interior package if they want to decrease their carbon footprint or have environmentally conscience customers.

The benefits of interior packaging types:

  • Protects Products from Damage
  • 100% Eco-Friendly
  • No Carbon Emissions
  • Made from Natural Ingredients

Cotton fiber pads

These fiber pads compress more easily than polyurethane foam padding but have less resistance against compression forces, making them ideal for lighter loads with sharper corners and edges. In addition, this interior packing material is excellent because it is 100% eco-friendly and made from natural ingredients.

Air Bag (Air Pillow)

Individual airbags can be filled where needed in packaging. These sessions came in the form of a roll and made of HDPE. One of the most common ways to protect items during shipping is by using air column packaging.

Air cell packing can be made from PE or PA and provides all-around protection for your products. It is shaped into a cushioned sleeve that covers laptops, which are sure to impress any consumer who cares about product safety during shipment! Some benefits of airbags are given below.

  • Highly Affordable
  • Very Lightweight
  • Recyclable
  • Good Shock Absorber
  • Good for Void Fills

Kraft Paper Packaging

Paper is a sturdy, low-cost solution for packaging dunnage. It can be recycled and reused many times before it gives out in moisture or heat conditions. Unfortunately, the paper doesn’t offer the best protection from shifting goods within packages.

However, this can largely be avoided by packing properly with paper to ensure no gaps are present on either side of the package’s outer wall. Recyclable interior packaging is also a good choice for the environmentally conscious. In addition to being recyclable, paper dunnage can be reused multiple times before it wears out due to moisture and heat exposure.

Paper-based interior packaging’s are available in solid sheets and roll for easy storage. Loading aboard trucks or onto pallets during production runs with little space needed on any work surface. Some benefits of Kraft paper dunnage are given below.

  • Very Affordable
  • Very Light and Fits in Less Space
  • Highly Biodegradable
  • Pretty Easy to Wrap Goods
  • Green and Eco-Friendly


Dunnage is a great way to store your products and keep them safe. There are many different types of dunnage’s, but it can be tricky figuring out which type best fits your need.

Hopefully, the information in this post helped you decide what kind of dunnage would work for you! If not, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered at Impression Ville with our Custom CBD Boxes that come with all sorts of benefits depending on what’s inside.

You can visit their website today to learn more about how they’re made or contact them if there’s something else you would like to understand. They provide the best custom packaging solutions that protect your products while shipping overseas. Visit them to see more secure packaging solutions.