logo design art

Have You Ever Seen a Brand Without a Logo?

No? Because there aren’t any! And how many logos can you recall at your fingertips? Were Pepsi, Cocacola, Mcdonalds, and Google part of your list? Ever wondered why? Because logos leave a lasting impression. A well-designed logo serves more to a brand than one can imagine. A logo is a symbol, emblem, or stylized graphic that symbolizes your brand. Just like how humans are identified by their face the logo works as a face for the brand.it is literally the representation of the brand and says ‘ this is who the brand is, and this is what we do’. It is the visual representation of your brand or business that your audience recognizes you with. A lot goes into designing one logo; shapes, colors, typography, spacing, etc., and all these elements combined communicate directly to the audience. Have a look at the infographic to get an insight into what goes behind designing the logo and the result it produces. Your logo can give your brand a rich context, tell your customer you are available and care about them, and humanize your brand. Although there is not one linear process into designing a logo but navigating into the design process is a task and requires one to have the right knowledge and skills that is why many designers, illustrators, and freelance graphic designers have launched their own Logo Design Company to cater to different brands and businesses. There are many designers out there who can design the logo within minutes through logo generators but do you think such a hasty job would make any impact? Would it work as an anchor to define your company and its value? Would it give your brand the personality that you’re aiming for? Your logo is one of the first manifestations of your brand; so start your business on the right foot!

Different types of Logo

From an audience’s perspective, a logo is a combination of shapes, symbols, colors, and words but different logos serve different purposes. All these elements come into play to create brand identity, brand recall, and consumer perception. 93% of consumers make purchase decisions based on visual perception and almost 85% of consumers base their purchase decision based on color. What comes into your mind when you see golden and red? Arched M? Did you think of Mcdonald’s? How about a yellow and red shell-shaped figure? Was it Shell? Each industry has its own requirement for a logo but you can tweak it to make it stand out amongst the storm of logos. The different types of logos are:

  • Iconic or symbolic logo: this kind of logo represents your brand or business in a simple but authoritative style. They’re simple and refined logos. According to research, it is easier for people to remember logos that are simple. Think of Mercedez, apple, Shell logos; these brands are recognized in glimpse and are considered topmost iconic brands in their industry.
  • Word mark logos: these kinds of logos are uniquely designed logos based on stylized typography and fonts. Most of the top companies have designed their own font specifically to be used for their brand and have also used it in their logo. Their fonts have become so famous that regardless of the presence of the logo, the audience instantly recognized them. Some examples include Disney, Tiffany & co., and Facebook.
  • Letter mark Logo: letter marks are exclusive logos that use the initials of the brand name. This type of logo is simple in design but rich in font. Some examples include; Coco Chanel with interlocking C’s, HP representing Hewlett-Packard, and Fendi with 2 upside-down F’s.
  • Combination mark: these types of logos are combinations of both symbols and text. This gives the brand flexibility to use either both or each alone accordingly. Both the symbol and text, if designed, will serve the same purpose even if used separately. Brands that have combination marks are Adidas, Pepsi, and Mcdonalds.
  • Emblem logos: this type of logo is the embodiment of the brand and uses elaborate designs and style. They are timeless and representative of the rich history of the company. Companies that use emblem logos are Harley Davidson and Starbucks,

Now that you have a basic understanding of the type of logos, it’s time to decide which type will suit your business or brand. Keep in mind that the logo is the face of your company and you need to design something that creates positive feelings and builds a relationship of trust with the audience. For your own understanding, think of times when you did not plan to shop but the sight of logos of brands that you trust influenced you to purchase the product. Yes, this is the impact that a logo should make!